Help Stacy and Jon with their missing puzzle piece

Marlborough , CT (US)
Created 12 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Help Stacy and Jon with their missing puzzle piece

by Stacy Constantine

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Marlborough , CT (US)

Stacy Constantine is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

🧩 Our IVF Journey: Piecing Together Hope 🧩

Over the past year, Jonathan and I have embarked on a heartfelt journey to expand our family through in vitro fertilization (IVF). It has been both a physically and emotionally challenging path, but one that we are determined to travel together.

With hopeful anticipation, we embarked on our first IVF cycle. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we were ready to face any obstacles that came our way. Little did we know the financial burden that lay ahead. With insurance coverage limitations, the weight of the process quickly fell on our shoulders. The first cycle alone cost us $4000 out of pocket, a significant expense that stretched our budget to its limits.

Despite the financial strain, we were hopeful for a positive outcome. The first cycle, however, delivered unexpected news —  of the 2 embryos that made it to the final step, neither were viable. It felt like a wave of sadness washed over us, and we couldn’t help but question our journey. But we knew we couldn’t let this setback define us; we had to pick ourselves up and continue pursuing our dreams.

As we desperately searched for answers and the next step in our journey, our insurance coverage started fresh July 1st, and we found ourselves facing even higher costs. The expenses for our next IVF cycle rose to almost $10,000. We were left grappling with the reality that our dreams of parenthood were slipping further away.

Determined not to let financial constraints deter us, we have taken the proactive step of starting a puzzle fundraiser. In this inspiring campaign, we are inviting friends, family, and kind-hearted individuals to contribute. We will be purchasing a 1000 piece puzzle and are selling pieces of it for $10. You can buy as many pieces as you would like. For every person that donates, we will write your name on a puzzle piece. If you purchase 10 pieces ($100), we would love for you to leave a note which will be written on those pieces along with your name. As the pieces come together, they symbolize the collective effort and support that will help shape our dreams of starting a family. This puzzle will be framed and hung in the nursery so we can always remember the people that helped us build our family. With each generous contribution, we are one step closer to affording the necessary treatment and increasing our chances of success.

Through this puzzle fundraiser, we hope to not only raise the funds we desperately need but also create a community of support and love around our journey. Your participation and belief in our dream means more to us than words can express. We understand that not everyone can donate, but even sharing our story or sending words of encouragement will help bring us closer to our goal.

Please join us and be a piece of our puzzle; together, let’s create a beautiful picture of hope and love. Every contribution, no matter how small, will have an immeasurable impact on our journey.

We believe in the power of love, resilience, and the unwavering support of a caring community. With your help, we know that our dreams of parenthood will one day become our reality.

Thank you for being a piece of our puzzle.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Stacy and Jonathan